Monday, May 5, 2008

weekend of action

wow, did i ever accomplish a lot this weekend. please allow me to brag for a moment:

1.) i spent most of saturday cleaning out the hell-hole of my bedroom closet. it was an embarrassing mess, and i kept having these recurring nightmare-ish scenarios in my head where the house catches on fire and my messy closet is unveiled to the world/neighborhood in all its unholy glory. i mean, seriously. nearly all the hangers were hanging all snaggly and empty on the rod. all the shelves were either suspiciously empty or contained odd items like an empty tea mug or a wadded up beach towel from last summer. i had shoved my dresser into the closet last year to free up space in the bedroom, and somehow that action rendered the dresser useless - the top two drawers were filled with knotted up tights and hose, probably all riddled with holes and runs, and an assortment of seldom worn and ill-fitting bras. the other drawers were empty, and remained blocked by a drift of tangled clothes and shoes that reached mid-thigh. how does this happen? i am a grown woman and should be ashamed. it was also time to switch my winter clothes for my summer clothes, so i thought i would pull the ol' clean and switch all at once. and it worked! it was hellish, and involved 3 groaning bags of garbage on the curb - but it is done. i purged myself of all broken or worn out shoes (why did i have them in the first place?), all bags with rips or broken straps, and a ton of clothes to take to the thrift store. all in all, very cleansing.

i also found the camera charger buried in the rubble, so i will be posting pictures soon - very soon.

i also found that 90% of my summer clothes are either very, very ugly or too small. i will be the next contestant on "what not to wear" unless i go shopping very soon.

2.) scott and i planted our hedges in the backyard! most of sunday was spent hacking with a mattock, digging holes, hauling bags of dirt and mulch, planting bushes, pounding fence posts into the ground using a miniature sledgehammer, and wiring up bamboo fencing. scott did all the digging, so he's probably a lot more sore than i am! haha. serves him right, the manly man. i supervised the digging - which is a much harder task - by skipping around making helpful "suggestions" and trying not to be too bossy. he handled it very well and never once threatened me with the shovel. everything looks grand! and we only ended up making two unscheduled trips to home depot. i think all home improvement days involve at least two back-to-back unscheduled trips to either home depot or ikea. always. i can't really go to our neighborhood hardware store, as it is run by a mean, rude, old pervert who marks up the prices in his store. and he doesn't even carry flyswatters! fool.

3.) we saw a movie on friday night - part of the final showings of this year's Filmfest DC. it is called The Fall and it was just great. beautiful scenes and imagery, great story, cute little girl in the lead role. sort of like a fantastical Princess-Bride-meets-pan's-labyrinth. some gruesome parts, and some fairy tale parts, and everything good.

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