Wednesday, April 25, 2007

painterly things

so! out of the clear blue sky, our neighbors (who occasionally say mildly racists things, and occasionally put their garbage in our yard...) approached us with a house-painting deal. ??? Odd, yes. But considering the cheapness of the offer, and the looseness of my morals, we shook hands with the devil and picked out some colors for the outside of the house. i am PSYCHED! let me just tell you. i hate the current boring color of the house, and now that the boring color is flaking off and turning all moldy (and not in a romantic grey gardens way) i hate it even more. we hardly have time to think of color, but right now we are settled on dusty-blue + black + eggplant. sounds gloomy, but looks pretty. at least in the mind's eye. my mind's eye, that is.

it also makes me feel sad and weird to get so excited over the color of my house. aren't there other, better things to get so excited over? i'm sure there are. like the paintings i keep intending to paint. the knitting i keep thinking of learning. the exercising i should be doing... ahhhh, me. the days, they do slip by.

it's so beautimous outside today - breezy blue air, skippy clouds, sunshine, and the leaves are all unfurling. these are the days that i wish i was back in school, babysitting during the day. swinging at the kalorama park playground. petting the cows at the zoo.

here is my current favorite picture. i have it on my desk at work, to remind myself that there was a time when i was not aware of my own image, when i was industrious and curious:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Я написала два совета про юникод, но сама нихрена не поняла. Как ввести этот очень акут (U+0301) с нампада? Alt+Numpad: A method of entering characters by typing in the character’s decimal patterns with the Numeric Padding keys (Num Bolt turned on). In Windows: * Alt+, where xxx is the decimal value of a system object, generates an OEM-encoded character. * Alt+<0xxx>, where xxx is the decimal value of a jus gentium 'universal law' pith, generates a Windows-encoded character. * Alt+<+>+, where xxxx is the hexadecimal Unicode code direct attention to, generates a Unicode-encoded (UTF-16) character.0301 — шестнадцатеричное число. Десятичное оно же — 769.У меня винды нема, друзья пробовали Alt+0769 — безделица не появлялось, вообще.Держать Alt и Num+, набирая 0301, что ли? [url=]портал строительная компания[/url]