Friday, March 21, 2008

Food hangover and hatching plan(t)s.

is it possible to have a food hangover? i believe so. and i think that i am suffering from one this morning. it can't possibly be a *real* hangover, as in from drinking to excess, because i didn't. !! i did have a drink before dinner - something called a "london sour" - but i think it was negated by the 2 tons of chinese food that i consumed shortly after.

melissa and alfredo are here from NM and we let them pick dinner. after being secluded in the wilds of new mexico, they were drooling at the prospect of all the different foods to be had. add to that the fact that they used to live here for years and years, and have been missing their old favorite restaurants... well, i'll just say there was no problem of them choosing a place. so we went for victuals and drinks at City Lights of China, in/around dupont circle. it's kind of an old-fashioned-fancy chinese place - good standards, nice booths. we each ordered something and all shared. i suppose i'm not used to all the salty oily goodness, because i feel bloated and ill this morning. and my innards have that wobbly, uncertain feeling that can only mean bad things to come this afternoon.

i am supposed to be writing a grant proposal today. i have an outline ready to go. i've run it by my boss, and got some good ideas to add. but i just can't start it yet. it's too sunny, and i was too busy yesterday to allow for starting it just yet. i need to fool around for a minute first.

i am writing out a list of questions to ask eric during his assessment tomorrow... i am going to take pictures, too. man o man, i can't wait! i love to rearrange furniture (shout out to jessie, in remembrance of our bedroom rearranging at home), and i have rearranged the hell out of my own furniture. i have nearly exhausted all possibilies. i think. so the thought of a blank - and by blank, i guess i mean cluttered and meaningless, canvass thrills me to no end. i hope eric doesn't freak out and give me a bunch of conditions. i want to have carte blanche. (note: i just looked up "carte blanche," to make sure i spelled it correctly - and affirmed its definition to be - "open-ended or vague, and therefore subject to abuse." which is perfect! i want his needs to be vague, so that i can abuse them and do whatever i want.) [insert evil villianess laughter here]

this world is perfect sometimes. blogger just underlined "villianess" to notify me that it doesn't believe that is a real word. blogger suggests that i use the following instead: vaudevillian or, brilliantness. both of which are perfect, too!! this is a perfect word day. i could cry.

in addition to plans, i am also hatching plants! my onions are still alive, which is surprising and good. i moved a tray of lettuce into the cold frame and they are just bustin' loose. the gale-force winds yesterday didn't kill my peas, which is also surprising and good. everything inside is still growing and alive - except for the rest of my gol-darned peppers. !!! they are really pissing me off. i think i am going to start another tray of them, if i don't see progress by sunday. i will try a few different methods of encouraging germination - soak, bleach rinse, shallow planting... all sorts of options. jerky seeds.

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