Thursday, January 17, 2008

oh snowy day

i am not going to get much work done today. i'll tell you that right now. the snow is just too pretty! and too long overdue. it doesn't help that one whole wall of my office is a giant window. it's just too easy to sit here and stare, wishing for sledding hills... snow ice cream... moon boots... forts. unfortunately i live in washington, DC and by nightfall the snow will be a mushy mess of half-melted sleety grey yuck. it doesn't often get cold enough here for snow to really last. every couple of years we get royally dumped on. but that generally only happens when my parents come to visit, and they aren't coming here any time soon.

currently i am praying that we get to go home early. it's pretty much guaranteed that we will leave *early* - it's just a question of when. i am guessing it will be 3:00, but i am not-so-secretly praying that it will be 1:00. fat chance.

in other news, maddie is 8 weeks old! i just can't believe it. she gets cuter every day, as evidenced by:

that little face just kills me. i need to plan my next visit home...

so scott left for park city, utah this morning, for the slamdance film festival. he and eric are showing "las historias mas sexy del mundo, II." man, he's pretty excited. i can't wait to hear about all his adventures when he returns... it is in the same city and at the same time as the sundance film festival, and there is some overlap. maybe there will be star sightings! shit! i forgot to remind him to take the camera.... grrrr.... maybe he remembered? not likely. he was pretty frazzled, getting stuff ready at the last minute.

oh yeah, and i finally got out aunt judy's old sewing machine over the weekend. i was deathly ill with a monster cold, but i managed to sew a DUVET COVER. what???! i couldn't manage to shower for two days, or put on real clothes... but i sewed a patchwork DUVET COVER? that's just messed up. i blame the fever. but it looks pretty nice. i should take a picture. i had a huge box of fabric that came from the mother of one of scott's friends. most of the fabric was gross old-lady stuff - but there was a nice selection of soft corduroy. i made 15"x15" squares of dark purple and dark blue, and alternated in a nice pattern. then i backed it with a white flannel sheet that i had laying around. the result is a heavier cover than i had before, and much much warmer and cozier all around. success! and without a pattern, no less. i should get an award.

at the moment i am reasonably obsessed with the clothes on this website:

and my new 2008 work calendar, the "crackpot calendar, 2008"

lovely stuff! maybe i'll sew more this afternoon, during the snow day (the snow day that had BETTER arrive, that is...). scott is gone until next tuesday, and michele (new housemate) is leaving too - so i have the whole house to myself! for a long weekend! yaaaaaaaaa-hooooo!

hmm. lunchtime has arrived, and i packed some homemade curried split-pea/sweet potato soup. it's hungry-time.

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