Wednesday, November 29, 2006

leaving myspace far behind...

so i was talked into setting up a myspace account last month. it wasn't hard. it didn't hurt me. but i don't really use it much. i think if myspace had been around in, say, 1997 or 1998 I would have been a powerplayer. those were the years of technology fascination and plently of time for wastin' at crappy jobs. i don't mind wasting some time at work here and there, but i feel funny about the obvious and social-ly appearance of myspace. if my boss were to walk in while i was on myspace, i would be embarrassed and flustered because he would see the large flashing ads and pictures and he would know that i was sinning. a normal blog, however, isn't quite so jangly.

plus myspace was making me feel stupid, because i couldn't directly host pictures there. or at least, i couldn't figure it out. note: i am still on myspace. and i still use it to look up people from my past, and to email with some folks.

now that i have justified my thought-move to blogger.... here i am!

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