okay, so it's been a month. it's just a month! i was busy, okay?
- busy stuffing my face with cheesy delicious goodies and guzzling beers in the name of santa and the baby jesus. but seriously. i need to get back on track. i am considering giving my anti-sugar/anti-flour diet another 30-day trial. it seemed to work last time, but with the quadruple-whammy of halloween, thanksgiving, christmas and new years... it's no wonder i lost all ground that i had gained. and then gained a few extra, just for kicks.
- so i went back to the gym yesterday, and i am going back today. and i went to the grocery store and stocked up on things that i can pack for snacks and lunch at work. eating healthy requires a lot of advance thought and planning, gol-darnit.
- speaking of planning, i am also doing a lot of considering. about 2007, and what i want to accomplish. not that i need goals, necessarily. i don't normally set goals. (which, some might argue, is the root of my personal brand of evil...) but i am caught up in yearly goal-setting for work, and i thought: what the hey! i might as well extend that frame of mind into my personal life and see what shakes loose. like further improving my credit score. like getting a credit card. like making a business plan for my pie-in-the-sky home business. like sewing clothes. saving some money. things i've been meaning to do for quite some time. comprende?
- betty and virginia are growing like little wild weeds. they've probably doubled in size - they started off like little round walnuts with tails. i'd say they've moved on to the size of Pilsbury crescent roll each. still deliciously cute, no matter what. i think they are getting cramped in their house, so i might get them a second house - for a "playhouse" - and keep the first one just for sleeping and such.
- i can't think of anything else to report. i should have some pictures up soon, from the holidays.