Tuesday, December 5, 2006

oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree...

so here is a link to our pictures from the christmas tree expedition:


instead of "viewing as a slideshow," you can click on the first picture and you can read my comments. then move through the whole set one by one, by clicking on the "thumbnails" at the right side of your screen.... enjoy!

gerbils pictures to come soon. i meant to upload them with the tree pics, but somehow didn't.

Monday, December 4, 2006

let the names begin...

well, i've finally figured out named for the leetle gerblettes. i was leaning toward names that might imply 1950s spinster secretaries that share an apartment together... the chubby, bossy brown one is Betty! the sweeter, shy black one is Virginia! so there you have it. i have some pictures, so i'll try to put them up tonight after work. they are extra special cute. courtney met them on friday night, and heartily agreed that gerbils are much cuter than people think...

Friday, December 1, 2006

Comments welcome

Hey all -

If you have anything to add, or even if you just want to make a smartass comment - feel free (this goes out especially to my siblings, who must certainly be holding back...).


Thursday, November 30, 2006

birthday hatchlings!

well my birthday has come and gone, and i'd say it was a good one. in addition to other wonderful and generous gifts, i acquired some wildlife for the house: last night, scott and i went on a hunt for the elusive and wiley gerbil. yes, gerbil! scott got me two gerbils for my present, and all the toys and habitats that come along... once they hold still long enough, I'll take some pictures and post them. for now, it will suffice to say that they are darn cute and cuddly. one is stripey-ish brown with a white belly and the other is black with white hands and a white stripe on her neck.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

this is the shelf that dad built

exciting new addition to the house!! for those of you who haven't been to the house recently - check out the pictures of the fabulous new LP shelves that dad built... (click on the word "pictures," then scroll down to the bottom of the page of photos. )

leaving myspace far behind...

so i was talked into setting up a myspace account last month. it wasn't hard. it didn't hurt me. but i don't really use it much. i think if myspace had been around in, say, 1997 or 1998 I would have been a powerplayer. those were the years of technology fascination and plently of time for wastin' at crappy jobs. i don't mind wasting some time at work here and there, but i feel funny about the obvious and social-ly appearance of myspace. if my boss were to walk in while i was on myspace, i would be embarrassed and flustered because he would see the large flashing ads and pictures and he would know that i was sinning. a normal blog, however, isn't quite so jangly.

plus myspace was making me feel stupid, because i couldn't directly host pictures there. or at least, i couldn't figure it out. note: i am still on myspace. and i still use it to look up people from my past, and to email with some folks.

now that i have justified my thought-move to blogger.... here i am!